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At Last! A Safe Solution to Zap Away Those Mosquitos and Pesky Bugs. Nothing Else Seemed to Work!


Social media and cooking personalities, Chrissy Teigan and Ayesha Curry likely have this on their wishlist. Finally, we found the best solution to prevent flying bugs and insects from nibbling in your food and drinks. For those of us who love to cook and host like Chrissy and Ayesha, the Fuze Bug is a NECESSITY.

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We discovered why it’s a must-have…

From the moment you plug it in...ZAP! Right away, it’s UV light attracts every pesky fly, moth and mosquito and sparks them dead with its 1000V high voltage zapper. Those biting bugs who have crawled or flown to the top of the Fuze Bug immediately die and fall down to the bottom of the lamp.

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Throw out that tired old fly swatter and invest in the most effective way to eliminate all of your insects. Whether you are indoors or outdoors, the Fuze Bug is compact and has a wide range stretching to 375 square feet. Say buh-bye to the little critters crawling from the kitchen to your backyard.

We tested the Fuze Bug with influencers who have raved about just how easy it is to use. The device is so low in maintenance that any debris and residue left from the device can be simply cleaned with a simple brush sweep.

Emma, a content creator who loves to hike and camp, told us more about her experience using the Fuze Bug.

“I was immediately drawn to it because of the strobe light. During my hike, this was the first time I never got bit by a mosquito! My usual application of bug spray doesn’t fully get the job done. It’s a must for me to bring the Fuze Bug on every trip now.”

With the Fuze Bug having gone viral, it is a must-have to get during this next restock.

Charge your Fuze Bug everywhere you go. An added bonus is the micro USB charger that comes with every device. You will never have to worry about your backyard fun or outdoor activities being swarmed with annoying insects chewing at your food. A MAJOR BONUS is that it can handle 10,000+ hours of coverage. Consider this an investment, because you will use it for years to come.

You cannot beat these benefits:

  • Powerful: The Fuze Bug is more powerful than your average bug repellant lamp thanks to the LED strobe light and ultraviolet lantern lighting.
  • Affordable: for an unbeatable price of $39.99, the Fuze Bug is unmatched in quality, effectiveness and convenience compared to its competitors that rank higher in price.
  • 100% safe: bug sprays, lotions and anti-mosquito candles ooze an unpleasant smell that’s combined with chemicals. Fuze Bug contains no toxic materials, making it safe to use in any room of your home.

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    People Are Raving About These FuzeBug...

    “Summer days in Florida can be brutal! It’s super hot, rainy and a field day for mosquitos. Having the Fuze Bug has brought so much comfort not only outside, but inside my home as well. It’s saved my skin from the bites that I was constantly prone to getting.”.

    Kylie D. - Orlando, FL

    “Grilling and barbeques are a staple tradition for me and my family. The flies and itchy ants always invited themselves to the party. The Fuze Bug has become the most convenient way we could get rid of these bugs from flying around our food and drinks. We can now hang out all day without having to worry about them anymore. It’s been a huge relief.”

    Ryan P. - Memphis, TN

    “The Fuze Bug is an essential item for when me and my dad go fishing together every Sunday. We charge it in the morning and it lasts for the entire day that we are out there on the lake. It’s so light and easy to carry, that we ended up getting two!”

    Sasha B. - Seattle, WA

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    Who should use the Fuze Bug?

    Any and everyone who wants to bask in the fresh air and spend time with loved ones without a nasty bug or filthy flies intruding on the fun. This is a guaranteed way to prevent these nagging ticks from getting tangled in your hair and exposed skin.